
Food Secure Canada is pleased to announce its upcoming event Convening 2024: Toward Just and Affordable Food Systems taking place November 11-13, 2024 in Tiohtià:ke (Montréal, QC). As food insecurity spirals ever upwards,  and patterns of hunger reflect Canada’s ongoing colonialism and structural racism, Convening 2024 is an opportunity to engage in a coast to coast to coast conversation about food justice and affordability, together with hundreds of people involved in Canadian food and justice movement(s).

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The theme of the convening – ‘Toward Just and Affordable Food Systems’ – will be explored through a food systems lens, enabling multiple entry points to understanding critical challenges and (w)holistic ways forward, including:

  • Guaranteeing livable incomes for all
  • Supporting Indigenous foodways
  • Reigning in and redirecting corporate food retail profits
  • Strengthening non-corporate and justice-oriented food retail including coops, solidarity grocers, farmers markets, community-supported agriculture, and more.

As one of FSC’s main pillars, bringing people together to have dialogues that better our food systems is always the focus. We believe collective mobilization can happen through these enriching discussions. They encourage us to continue in our pathways of learning and growing together to build stronger futures.

Check back here often as we post updates on Convening 2024: Toward Just and Affordable Food Systems. Sponsorship opportunities are available. We are always looking for engaged and active community members to support us! If you are interested in sponsoring please email andi@foodsecurecanada.org.
