Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Sustainable Food Systems and the SDGs

Food Secure Canada and partners, 2021-2024

Led by Plenty Canada

Screenshot 2024-05-02 At 12.03.17

Our approach

This action area of the project was curated and implemented by Plenty Canada who acted as an Indigenous curator/contractor for Food Secure Canada under the Indigenous Food Sovereignty pillar. This provided the ability to act/actionize in an Indigenous context/worldview with an Indigenous led organization at the helm. 

Through this opportunity, Plenty Canada has been able to identify, develop and foster trusting, lasting relationships with First Nations people, communities and projects that are innovating actions and building expertise on SDG advancement all over Canada.  The advancements identified are unconventional when compared to standard government response, however they involve community driven practices that include traditional ecological knowledge and placed-based ways of being. For example, First Nations planting food forests in their communities are creating spaces that support community food sovereignty, increase tree, bush and plant medicine species diversity, revitalize habitat for birds and other species as well as places to gather for ceremony and intergenerational land-based learning of culture and language.

To continue, thrive and scale up, these innovative solutions need changes in regional, provincial and federal policies, supportive legislation and increased funding. The existing actions identified in communities share Indigenous knowledge and practices and explore new innovative and ancestral approaches and investments. This work shows a need for collaboration/partnerships between sectors to explore more community driven solutions that foster innovation for SDG advancement.  

This project facilitated the development of resources that share facts, data and information on a number of our First Nation partners’ innovative actions that are achieving SDGs. This information is shared through 3 case studies, 3 policy primers/briefs, 1 info-graphic, multiple presentations and a final report. These resources will be used to advocate to multiple audiences for funding, policy and legislation changes. Through the partnerships with First Nation people, communities and projects Plenty Canada was able to “Indigenize” the SDGs and create a tool to communicate the goals in an Indigenous context/worldview. This has strengthened the way Plenty Canada communicates the SDGs with their First Nations partners, and how they explain the need for Canada to listen to Ancestral ways of protecting people and planet.


Plenty Canada is a registered non-profit charitable organization that facilitates access to and shares resources with Indigenous peoples and other community groups around the world in support of their environmental protection and sustainable development goals.

Project leads Jess McLaughlin and Rosie Kerr presented the work of this action area at the public webinar Advancing the SDGs Through Canada’s Food Systems, timestamp 16:30 at the link.


[transplanting strawberries and raspberries to Food Sovereignty garden at the new food forest site in Ahtahkakoop Cree First Nation, Summer 2023]

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